In the past, whenever you sent crypto to another person, you needed their wallet address, which consists of a long string of letters and numbers. Today, all you need is a domain name, making it easier than ever to send and receive cryptocurrencies. It’s security, privacy and safety.


XDC domains are not rented, after buying a .xdc domain, it is yours forever, no one can request any renewal fees from you. Domains can be stored in your wallet, like cryptocurrency and only you can control it.

Great Features

NFT Avatar
You can set your own picture as your NFT Avatar easily.
Public Profile
Public visible profile information such as your website, social media links.
Unlimited Subdomains
You can create unlimited subdomains for your company members easily.
NFT Gallery
Your NFT collections can be displayed and organized many ready-made functions.
SDK integrates with third-party platforms like wallets, dapps, defi, etc.
Transfer xdc domains
Transfer .xdc domains between domains or addresses easily.
Multi Wallet address
Store many different types of wallet addresses such as: BTC, ETH, Solana, etc.
Custom Data
Store a variety of custom data records that can be expanded later.


What is an NFT Domain?
NFT Domains are new web extensions launched as smart contracts on public blockchains. NFT domains can be stored in a crypto wallet, and it belongs to the owner, no third-party company or individual can seize it.
Can I transfer my blockchain domains?
Yes, .xdc domains are build on XRC721 (NFT), you can transfer it using an XRC721 enabled wallet.
Are xdc domain compatible with ICANN traditional domains?
No, .xdc domains are built using blockchain technology. It can help you to launch distributed web which traditional domains cannot do.
How to connect XDCPay wallet?
Connect XDCPay: Will be ready very soon.
How much does it cost to register?
Currently, subscription costs are set at the following rate: 5 characters or more 4 characters 3 characters 2 characters The characters 2 and 3 and 4 are priced as 'premium' to reflect the small number of these names available.